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Search Results for: Ultrafast Pulse Compressors (9)

Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors for Dispersion Compensation

Learn how Highly-Dispersive Mirrors compensate for dispersion and compress pulse duration in ultrafast laser systems, which is critical for maximizing performance.

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Ultrafast Laser Optics from Edmund Optics - PhotonicsNEXT 2021

Learn about Edmund Optics' ultrafast laser optics capabilities in this interview with Tony Karam from the PhotonicsNEXT Summit in January 2021.

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Edmund Optics - UltraFast Innovations - Partnership 2021

Industry-leading laser optics are more available than ever before through the partnership of UltraFast Innovations and Edmund Optics.

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Edmund Optics TPA Ultrafast Autocorrelator by APE (700-1100nm) #11-760

Edmund Optics® manufactures thousands of precision aspheric lenses per month in our asphere manufacturing cell that operates 24 hours a day

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LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 4: Lasers & Optics with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith

Learn about trends in laser applications including increasing powers and decreasing pulse durations in this conversation with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith.

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Top Optics Trends of 2021 – TRENDING IN OPTICS: EPISODE 3

Several of the most interesting trends in optics and photonics of 2021 were the landing of the Perseverance Rover on Mars, Stemmed Mirrors, minimizing thermal lensing in ultrafast laser systems, and developments in ultraviolet lasers.

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Edmund Optics Acquires Quality Thin Films; Strengthens Position as Laser Optics Manufacturer - PhotonicsNEXT 2021

Learn about Edmund Optics' acquisition of Quality Thin Films in this interview with Mike Middleton and James Karchner from the 2021 PhotonicsNEXT Summit.

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PhotonicsNEXT Summer Summit 2021 Edmund Optics Acquires Quality Thin Films

Learn about Edmund Optics' acquisition of Quality Thin Films in this interview with Mike Middleton and James Karchner from the 2021 PhotonicsNEXT Summit.

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How To Align a Monolithic Beam Expander

Monolithic Reflective Beam Expanders are ideal for applications requiring broadband or achromatic beam expansion.

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